Nonprofit Design / Branding / Typography / Visual Design / Website Design
We were tasked to create an entity based on shared interests. My group was interested in the exploration of culture exposure and bridging gaps between people. At first, we were going to create a housing initiative that allowed for international people, such as refugees or international students to be housed with American people, but we realized that there was a key demographic that needed more help: refugee women.
Katelyn Watkins, one of the co-designers of this entity, had experience working with refugee organizations and had contact with staff members who informed her that refugee women coming into America had a difficult time transitioning and often did not have the resources to create a sustainable life for themselves or their families. Resources and services that are the most needed include: therapy, childcare, transportation, and English Second Language programs (ESL). Thus, Refugees EmpowHERed was born.
Our video proposal created and shot by Katelyn Watkins
Refugees EmpowHERed is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing women with the resources and tools they need to set up a better life for themselves. The government only provides resources for less than a year, and after this time period is up, these women are left to fend for themselves. Katelyn was able to obtain interviews at a local refugee center with the staff that work with refugee women and a few of the refugee women that use their services. We learned a great deal about their first hand experiences and some of their background. Our organization mainly provides therapy for women who have difficulty transitioning primarily. Childcare, transportation, and ESL all go hand in hand with the therapy services to make it easier for refugee women to adjust to the new lifestyle and culture in America.
Each team member was in charge of designing a core component of the entity. I was in charge of interaction (the website) and some parts of branding our non-profit organization. Below are some images of the logotype, video proposal, rendered silhouettes of women, merchandise, and the website mock-ups that I created for the project.
Click here for the full proposal.
Rendered silhouettes of refugee women used as main graphics for brand
Here are some samples of merchandise we created to fund the non-profit organization
Website that I designed with a homepage, about page, services page, and blog/video page